Friday, September 29, 2006


Spring Into Fall This November!

Here's the schedule for our November 2nd Annual Performer's Showcase! RSVP to Cheryl Letendre by 10/27th!

Tony Toledo 9:00
Alex the Jester 9:30
Jeff Nathan 10:00
Providence Dancing Cop 10:30
Timothy Van Egmond 11:00
Pozey the Clown 11:30

12 o'clock Break out your bag lunch or visit the nearby fast food eateries...

Lisa Manning & Friends 12:30
Yorrick's Puppets 1:00
Conroy Warren 1:30
Seamus Pender 2:00
Cornell Coley 2:30
Yo-Yo People 3:00
Jose Costa 3:30

Come join us as we celebrate the Catch the Beat at Your Library for Summer Reading 2007!

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Wondering who will be at our Annual Performer's Showcase this year? I'll disclose a few of those confirmed if you promise to tell.

Here's a small sampling of our invited guests:
Alexander, King of the Jesters
Pozey the Clown
Seamus Pender of the Music Makers
Yo-Yo People
Jeff Nathan
Tony Toledo
Yorick's Productions
Timothy Van Egmond
The Providence Dancing Cop
Lisa & Friends

Be sure to register by October 27th to reserve your seat for this exciting affair!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


In case you haven't heard the 2007 Summer Reading Program theme for our children AND teen campaign is Catch the Beat at Your Library. Quite different from all the other program themes throughout the years, wouldn't you say? Already many of you have expressed excitement for this years theme and are probably already bookmarking pages as you thumb through your personal stash of craft and program idea books and websites on making this 2007 a uniquely engaging experience. It will most certainly be interactive! The idea of jumping around dancing to music (even more) during storyhour and other teen programs is already music to my ears. But I must warn you, you may have to create a special signs on doors and walls of your buildings to alert your older "young-at heart" patrons that read, "Laugh loudly...children (& librarians) are erraticaly singing & dancing this hour."

In preparation for the summer 2007 reading program year, we are asking that you complete your SEMLS sponsored reading log, online manual, clip art, YA card and bookmarks orders by next month Friday, October 13th 2006. Once ordered, these items will be sent via delivery in April 2007. The period for which you will have an opportunity to purchase branch specific incentives online through the Janway site will begin in November. You will receive a password and the web address once the materials are ready for you to order. Once this is made available incentive ordering will continue through January 2007.

In the meantime, be sure to mark your calendar for our upcoming Thursday, November 2nd Performer's Showcase that will be held at the Benjamin Friedman Middle School from 9-4 p.m. Registration and performer appearances will be made available soon!

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